City of Sugar Land Stage 1 Drought – Voluntary Water Conservation

Governor Abbott issued a drought disaster declaration for Fort Bend County. With increased water demand and the Governor’s drought declaration, Sugar Land is activating Stage 1 of its Drought Contingency Plan requesting voluntary water conservation to help reduce peak usage. This declaration applies to all city water systems, including wholesale customers MUD 128- Riverstone, and MUD 192 – Greatwood Lake.

Demand is greatest during weekday mornings and early evenings, primarily due to increases in outdoor irrigation. To reduce peak demand and total water consumption, customers are asked to water lawns twice a week according to the suggested watering schedule below:

All customers are asked to water between the hours of midnight to 10 a.m. or 8 p.m. to midnight.

The City is closely monitoring water production to determine if initiation of Stage 2 – Severe Water Distress Conditions is necessary.  Stage 2 includes mandatory watering restrictions of twice per week according to the above schedule. Voluntary reductions lessen the likelihood that the City will need to initiate Stage 2.

For irrigation schedules and additional drought information, visit the City’s webpage at